Don Winters and his wife, Barb, had three children, Kevin, JT, and Kenneth. Don was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Carthage, IL. Don’s passion for orphans and adoption began after watching the destruction of the 2004 tsunamis that hit Indonesia. The Lord used the fallout of the catastrophe to open Don’s eyes to the plight and needs of orphans around the world.
In 2008, Don and Barb adopted Melinda from Guatemala. Then in 2011 they founded the CARE ministry to give families hope of adopting by providing an adoption grant.
Don and Barb On Outreach Connection at WTJR TV (YouTube Video)
Mandy Humphry came on as a board member soon after. Then in the summer of 2016 the Winter’s family moved to Florida to plant a church. CARE was handed over to Mandy Humphry to continue in our community.
Since then, caring for the foster care community in Hancock county and international orphan care in the Philippians was added to CARE’s vision. Mandy and other board members enjoy speaking to the public about their vision through the local churches. It is the local churches that provide the financial gifts and individual donors, to make CARE’s giving back to the community possible.
It is CARE’s goal to connect six churches in our county with our ministry to become actively engaged in Hancock County foster care community. We hope and believe, by churches throughout Hancock County being more engaged, that communities will hear the needs and they will be met with wrap-around support from the church and there will be More Than Enough foster parents throughout our county by 2025. Actively Engaged churches; Golden’s Point, Burnside Christian, La Harpe Christian.

Mandy is married to John Humphry. Together they have four children, Zarra, Zane, Naveia, and Kai. The call to adopt was put on Mandy’s heart as a teenager, she set her eyes on this dream and twenty years later in 2010 Mandy and her husband adopted Naveia and Kai from Taiwan. She gets to serve foster children in her work too as the CASA Coordinator for Hancock County.

Valerie is from Warsaw and teaches Pre-K at Warsaw Elementary school. She has always had a love for children and had a dream of having a large family. She has 2 children, Kasey and Kalista. After many years of fertility issues, Kalista was adopted through a local agency as a newborn and is a happy, healthy little girl who is proud to be adopted.

Clark is a pastor at First Baptist Church in Carthage. He and his wife, Tammy have in the past fostered about a dozen children from age 1-16 in recent years. “We both agree that fostering is a challenging, yet very rewarding experience. Having an organization of friends to support the effort is priceless.”

Josh and his wife Kendra have 4 children. Their two oldest are biological sons and they have adopted one daughter as an infant here in the USA and their other daughter was an older waiting child from India. Their youngest, Violet, was adopted locally as a newborn. Josh and his family have a heart for orphans around the world and have ministered at orphanages in India, Honduras and Mexico. They love leading worship and teaching about our identity in Christ as sons and daughters of God.

Rachael lives in Carthage with her husband Shane and their seven children. Their family was blessed to add two siblings in July 2018 through adoption. Rachael currently is the Children’s Minister at LaHarpe Christian Church and works as a RN at the Memorial Medical Clinics in Carthage.