There is a cost associated with adoption. Giving a grant helps break down that cost so that children can know the love of family. Answer the call to adopt, knowing that Christian Adoption Resources and Education Adoption Grant can come alongside to help you complete your family. Our prayers are with you as your story unfolds. We have been blessed to be a part of many children joining their forever families.
We provide adoption grants ranging from $300-$3,000. Our region is a 40-mile radius around Carthage, IL. This includes the tri-state areas of Macomb, Quincy, Burlington Iowa, and parts of rural Northeast Missouri.
Qualifications For Applying
1. Applicants’ combined income must not exceed $140,000 annually
2. Home Study must be completed and current
3. Both parents must be US citizens
4. Married and single applicants can apply
April 30th (June Decision Period)
August 31st (October Decision Period)
December 31st (February Decision Period)
The link below is to start the process of being considered for a grant from C.A.R.E.