God placed it on the heart of Crystal to start a ministry to children who live on the streets. She began reaching out to street kids in 2011 in Albay, Philippines. She began by going to the streets and building relationships with children, then inviting them to church.
Several months later, she opened the doors to the first two children, offering them a safe refuge and home. Since 2011, she has had the opportunity and privilege to provide a safe haven to 10 children in all. Some of the children have been reunited with their families. Crystal met Cas while in the Philippines. Cas was a once on a street child. They married and lived in the states until Cas obtained his dual citizenship.

Abba’s House vision is to place street children and orphans in a home with Christian house parents. In this setting they will be loved, nourished with good food and God’s word. CARE sends 10% of every donation we receive over to Abba’s House in the Philippines. They take in and care for street children. They are affiliated with YWAM. Cas and Crystal are the home parent missionaries. They returned to their hometown of Quincy IL in January of 2020 to allow Momci and Popci to step into the role of home grandparents, instead of parents.
Cas and Crystal are praying for funds for the future site of Abba’s House. They desire to purchase land and build homes in a compound setting (on one piece of land). This will enable them to place children in Christian homes in a community setting. It is also part of the vision God gave them – to one day have a church, school and mission house within this compound. They are excited to see all that God will do! We praise Him for all He has done!
If you want to send a financial gift send it to:
YWAM Accounting Department
PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000.
PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000.
Make checks payable to YWAM.
Please include a separate note indicating what your gift is to be used for with the names Cas and Crystal Magdaong on the note. Memo line should be blank. Or if giving by another method please call the YWAM office at 903-509-5309.
To receive Abba’s House Newsletter email Crystal at joyous737@gmail.com